Monday, January 6, 2014

The Better Part

January thoughts

I start this year thinking of you. 
I love to be near you in my heart.
I remember so many things about you. 
The color of your hair when you were born.
I remember how tiny and fragile you appeared. 
I was told you would not break; yet, I held you as if you would. 

You were fascinating to watch as you moved around in your sleep. 
Tiny fingers and toes were what I held most.
When your eyes began to focus,
 I talked to you more and more. 

Then I sang to you every song I knew. 
You listened and later began to smile at me. 
Our hearts sang together.
I loved you more than I ever believed it was possible to love. 
God gave me his greatest gift ... that of a child.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Why I chose The Better Part

I chose The Better Part as my title because I wrote a column for a Catholic newspaper by that name. Based on the scripture reading where Martha and Mary are tending Jesus. Martha is tneding kitchen business while Mary is sitting at Jesus' feet. Martha gets upset with Mary because she is not helping in the kitchen. Jesus says something like ... Martha, quit causing trouble, Mary has chosen the better part, which is listening to me!

I hate the kitchen and would much rather sit at the feet of someone who has some knowledge!